March 01, 2015
The manufacturing of the fake corn and stalks was completed along with a scenic corn field backdrop. We used the tarp that the corn was painted green on. It already had some of the corn stalk outlines. Hope finished it out to make it look like a corn field.
The door cutouts were finished. Hope made the cad drawings using Photoshop and Jose’ loaded them into the CNC machine and cut them. Hope started to paint them.
The initial control board was wired and lit. The second control board was started. There were a lot of part digging to find enough knobs and other controls to decorate the control panel. It is an interesting process. Basically, we had hundreds of parts taken from all sorts of sources. EBay, garage sales, flea markets, and rummage sales. Basically a hording of piece parts to radios, plumbing (for copper), air tank gauges, bolts and nuts. A little bit of everything.
The second control panel is shaping up to have two separate Pixel light strands, one from Adafruit; one of their Neopixel rings. Another one from Radio Shack. We were able to snag a few strands of Pixel lights and Arduino boards while they were going out of business. Lucky us.